Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I am sooooo sorry Sunghoonie Oppa!!


I am not going to say that you are turning 31.... In the US you are only turning 30!! but it has been such a long time since we saw a recent picture from you, that my mental image of you is still the ones back from 1997-2002.

You never aged a day in my mind. The leader of the whites kies, the owner of the lady killer smile. HOONIE YA!!!! WHERE ARE YOU! Please show your face even for just a little while so we can all know that you are still doing well... But I still wish that you would be able to stand on stage and let everyone see your talent again.
Has anyone seen this lost little boy on the left aka Kang Sunghoon aka Micky Kang aka Mr Smiley?? If you did please let him know that we all miss him on stage, we all miss his smile that can brighten even the darkest days, we all miss his voice that can ease the saddest mood.
Just KIDDING... but no words can say what I feel in my heart hoonie.. I want you back on the stage with that wonderful smile and voice of yours...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The day have finally arrived !! Our eternal Jekki leader Jiwonnne is .......

I saw this news when I was at work and lets just say I was basically none-functional for the rest of the day, even when I was with customers the whole time i was thinking "Jiwon is getting married ..... Jiwon is getting married....... Jiwon is getting married" repeat that a couple thousand times.
At first I was really really really really sad , then shocked, then confused, it took a couple of hours before I can get my emotions in order.

So here it is

Our Great Jekki Leader, Eun Jiwon oppa !! congratulations!! may you and your wife be the happiest couple ever!! I was really hoping that you would not get married before baby Suwonne gets out of the military... But I am hoping that you would wait till Jaeducckie/Jaejinne gets out, would it be an impossible dream and wish to see Jiyongie and Hoonie at your wedding?? They could all sing couple for your!!