I saw this news when I was at work and lets just say I was basically none-functional for the rest of the day, even when I was with customers the whole time i was thinking "Jiwon is getting married ..... Jiwon is getting married....... Jiwon is getting married" repeat that a couple thousand times.
At first I was really really really really sad , then shocked, then confused, it took a couple of hours before I can get my emotions in order.
So here it is
Our Great Jekki Leader, Eun Jiwon oppa !! congratulations!! may you and your wife be the happiest couple ever!! I was really hoping that you would not get married before baby Suwonne gets out of the military... But I am hoping that you would wait till Jaeducckie/Jaejinne gets out, would it be an impossible dream and wish to see Jiyongie and Hoonie at your wedding?? They could all sing couple for your!!
Honestly speaking i was really unexpecting this news didn jw said that he wanted to get married in 2 yrs time and then retired frm being a singer? my mind is really confused now i was hoping he would really get married when suwonne get out frm military service so that perhaps we could at least see jekki members singing carol for him but now sigh even my least hope for that to happen has dash :(
ReplyDeletehi all!yah lisa I had quite the same mood like you and until now I'm just proximately back to normal state.and I think some Korean fans wouldn't be in good mood too cause it's right after the fanmeeting and they weren't left any hints though they're his long-time fans. Abt jekki, after jiwon's wed news, I already think sw can't make it at jw's wed.poor sw! but we can't blame for jw as 2 yrs is too long for both of them esp his gf. noone knows what'll happen in 2 yrs. Besides like what jw did to his 5th album, I hope he can push the important date forward until jd and jj's discharge. It'll cause no harm anyway!I never ever love him pushing the date like this time. Let's hope.And "Couple"'ll be back but this time with 5 members!great!paranoid?I wonder why jw doesn't wanna sing his parts in Couple again? the voice is changed and he can't reach high notes? lolz but I enjoyed hearing him singing a small part of his ballad song "Never ever" on his O4U fanmeeting. <33333