Picture credit to Hankyung.com
YES !!! I was sooooo happy that the wedding pic came out today on my day off so I could update the blog as soon as possible instead of waiting till Sunday ^^
Looking at Jiwonnne sooo happy and handsome in the picture, any negative feeling I had about him getting married is gone! Besides Miss Lee (Okay now Mrs Eun ^^) is just sooooo damn pretty!! And skinny too~ Can't really see her face in the picture but she does not look like she is even older than 30?!?! Just don't see how she is 2 years older than Jiwonne?
I feel very proud that Jiwonne was able to protect Mrs Eun for so long away from the public but hopefully we get to know her a little more too (I don't even think I know her name ~ the fans mostly refer to her as Miss Hawaii, or Miss Lee)
And also a huge reception in Korea with Jaeduckkie Sunghoon and Jiyong PLEASE!!
wow his wife looks like a caucasian she doesn seem to look like korean at all no wonder jiwon was smitten by her