Monday, July 12, 2010

Suddenly... I miss Jiyong Oppa a lot....

Here are some completely random pictures of Jiyong Oppa that I have saved on my computer~ he really is great looking and great looking hair too!!
This one is definitely one of my fav, he just looks like a pissed off prince charming in white ^^;; there is just something about Jiyong when he doesn't smile he looks a little stern and mad. And another reason is this was taken in my country Taiwan back when DSP was trying to push Jekki into other countries (uggghh just typing DSP makes me want to throw rotten eggs at them yuck!!)

This is one of my fav styles from him ! my blond bad boy ~ This is the official look of "Just Stop there like that " from Jekki's 4th album. Fancy looking no?~

This is definitely after Jekki broke up but I have no idea when, but he just looks soooo good, he belongs in front of fans........

I think the last picture is the most recent one, again I have no idea when it was taken but you can see he no longer have that boyish look on his face, instead when I see this picture I feel like he has found someone in his life already, he has that content look on his face~

Well as long as they are happy, I am happy with it too, they can't stay single and stay the fans forever, as long as they find someone who loves them right?

No Comment..... Really?? I have one~

I think of my self as one of the biggest fan of Jiwon/ Jekki, and I have supported and love everything that they do unconditionally, but his new single is really starting to worry me, I am not referring to the song with Jiwon and Suwon called You are my VIP but the other song "No Comment".

I just don't want him to get in trouble or attack by the netziens!! it really really sounds too much like the slim shady song, I like the song, like the way his voice sound without too much auto tone in this song, like the way he speaks in English, the thing is the part that really sounds like the slim shady song is only the front and the end part, really wished he had cut out those part.

The thing I don't get is that I believe Keeproots is better than this, he has written some great song for him self and for Jiwon before! I am hoping they did get the rights to spin off of the slim shady.

Anyways no surprise there but I absolutely LOVE the song You are my VIP with Suwonne, THANK YOU JAMA for letting me know that it was out ~!! I ran out of my work place like 5 minutes earlier today ! And usually I stay behind for like an extra half an hour LOL!! people were asking me if I had an appointment some where, I told them yes! I have one with my laptop!! Suwon's voice I felt even improved from the last time I heard him sing, it is more clear more distinctive than before, and Jiwon's voice is soooo ~! Too much auto tone on this one though but a great great great song no doubt about it, now a wait to see if there is a MV for it !!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

They are my VIP.

Aww look at Jiwonne being mean to Suwonne in this drawing! This is the relationship I remember between Jiwon and Suwon, Jiwon tormenting Suwon because Suwon is the youngest while Suwon just smiles his silly and goofy smile and takes it because Jiwonne is the oldest T.T
Anyway, back to the point of this post, a couple of month ago I translated an interview done with Jiwon about what he planning to do in 2010, in it he stated that he wanted to release around 6 digital singles.

At the time and even right now I found it kind of crazy because it just feels like he does not have enough time, and now half of 2010 is over and he is just getting around to release his 2nd digital single, I am glad that he is taking his sweet time because I would rather he do an excellent job with fewer songs rather than an okay job with a lot of song, and his last single While buzzed I really really really like (Okay that cute MV with him it helped a lot also ^^;;)

The name I believe is You are my V.I.P and it is ......... DRUM ROLL PLEASE.......... FT our lovely youngster of Jekki JANG SUWON!!!!!

At first when I saw this info I immediately jump to the conclusion that the song was featuring Jaeduc oppa because he just came out of the army not too long ago, then I remember reading somewhere that Suwonne had recorded a song with Jiwonne before he had left for the army.

It feels a little strange because judging by the song title, this feels like a hiphop song, it will be very interesting to see what Suwonne's part is in this song (Maybe Jiwonne will make Suwone rap!! That will be a first!) Just by the song title alone I like the song already, adding in the fact that it has our adorkable Suwon I absolutely LOVE the song already, now I just need to hear it T.T;; Oh well by the time I get home from work tomorrow the song will be released already !! What a great way to get the week started ! Who is my VIP??? or course the Jekki oppas!! They are my V.I.B!!.........




Just kidding~ Have a great week everyone!!