Aww look at Jiwonne being mean to Suwonne in this drawing! This is the relationship I remember between Jiwon and Suwon, Jiwon tormenting Suwon because Suwon is the youngest while Suwon just smiles his silly and goofy smile and takes it because Jiwonne is the oldest T.T
Anyway, back to the point of this post, a couple of month ago I translated an interview done with Jiwon about what he planning to do in 2010, in it he stated that he wanted to release around 6 digital singles.
At the time and even right now I found it kind of crazy because it just feels like he does not have enough time, and now half of 2010 is over and he is just getting around to release his 2nd digital single, I am glad that he is taking his sweet time because I would rather he do an excellent job with fewer songs rather than an okay job with a lot of song, and his last single While buzzed I really really really like (Okay that cute MV with him it helped a lot also ^^;;)
The name I believe is You are my V.I.P and it is ......... DRUM ROLL PLEASE.......... FT our lovely youngster of Jekki JANG SUWON!!!!!
At first when I saw this info I immediately jump to the conclusion that the song was featuring Jaeduc oppa because he just came out of the army not too long ago, then I remember reading somewhere that Suwonne had recorded a song with Jiwonne before he had left for the army.
It feels a little strange because judging by the song title, this feels like a hiphop song, it will be very interesting to see what Suwonne's part is in this song (Maybe Jiwonne will make Suwone rap!! That will be a first!) Just by the song title alone I like the song already, adding in the fact that it has our adorkable Suwon I absolutely LOVE the song already, now I just need to hear it T.T;; Oh well by the time I get home from work tomorrow the song will be released already !! What a great way to get the week started ! Who is my VIP??? or course the Jekki oppas!! They are my V.I.B!!.........
Just kidding~ Have a great week everyone!!
Hey lisa im so glad that u bring this to your blog i heard the song and it was THE BEST man i LUB IT!!i thought initially that it was gonna be a hiphop song but it turns out to be somewhat similar to "your my everthing" ft gilme the collaboration btw jiwon and suwon are just superb and oh if you actually take note of the released date do you realised that it was on 13th July!! It was on Lee Jaejin oppa birthday!! I like the title "Your my VIP" = Jekki Oppas!!
ReplyDeleteaccckkkk!!!! You heard it already! this is why I HATE living in America instead of being in Asia T.T my time is totally diffrent than you guys's!! I will be at work for another 6 hours T.T sooooo sad~ want to hear Jiwonne and Suwonne together WHY BABY WHY???
ReplyDeleteJaejinne... I miss miss miss him sooooo much, so much sadness in his life with both of his parents gone, all I can pray and hope for him is that everything goes perfect for him from now on..