I am just sooooooo excited!!! hehehe , I was just randomly surfing youtube looking for Jiwonne, jekki, gilme videos and I came across your channel and saw the performance that you uploaded but one of the was blocked by KBS?? That really really really sucks!! I hope they didn't give you a hard time for it??
The one that they didn't block he did perform with gilme, I downloaded it as soon as possible cause I don't know if KBS would block the other one too.....
But this is very very exciting what a great present for Christmas!!
I Will edit this post later to put up some cap and some thought on the performance, but I just wanted to say thank you first!!
Okay after watching it for 5 times here is a little bit of what I thought ^^
1: Gilme I am even more jealous of you now!!! She gets to perform next to Jiwonne AND Suwonne T.T
2: It is soooo cute that Gilme was kind of dancing along with the song while Suwonee was singing.
3: I have never seen anyone walk off the stage after singing as fast as Gilme did in this video!! I guess she really is nervous performing with Suwonne ^^ I wish the camera would have zoomed in closer when Gilme was walking toward Suwonne so we can see their facial expressions!!
4: JANG SUWOONNNNEEE *HUGGGGGSSS AND KISSSSSSEESSSSSS* I am SOOOOOOO going to miss you and your adorakable facial expression while you are away.........
No pics till later Internet still acting up ! HUMPH!!!
boys will be boys
10 years ago
Oh the other one was being blocked? i do received a msg frm utube regarding on the copyrights issues but didn know that they will blocked it hmpf >.< do u want the other vid lisa?i can upload it to some downloadable site for you to download it :D
ReplyDeletei was excited when i chance upon it too i thought great this could be just what lisa is looking for coz like i said in my comment for leo at my blog i was actually looking for j-walk antaggawo perf if theres any but i couldn find that perf instead i found suwon and gilme perf in shout out i love u i immediately download it for u :D
But hey u knw wat i tink im abit smitten by suwon look in that perf coz i felt he was oozing with so much charisma in that stage perf no wonder gilme cant even look at him cant blame her coz if its me i will do the same too! LOL ^__^